Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

What's new on Markttrend Prediction Markets

We start a new prediction market on the thriving smartphone market this week and we have fixed a major bug that caused a lot of problems for new users.
Big technology companies are struggling to increase their stake in the fast growing Smartphone market which is still dominated by the Symbian operating system. Apple has certainly scored a success with its iPhone but Google is catching up with its Android platform and Microsoft is relaunching its mobile efforts with its brand new Windows phone 7. So let’s see what this all comes down to in the next few months.
Fixed Bug: user initialization
Due to changes of the log-in process new users where not properly initialized and could therefore not trade in markets. Additionally this failed process caused display problems in some browsers while viewing a prediction market after the first log-in.

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

Markttrend Poll: Currency Crisis

Link to poll
calm down:                  46%
maintain status quo:     31%
exacerbate:                   23%

Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

What's new on Markttrend Prediction Markets

Our poll puts a light on the so called “currency war” and a new market will measure if Apple’s stocks will live up to the hype.
Apple has come a long way from an almost dead niche player to one of the biggest Tech companies in the world and a role model for the consumer electronic industry. Only five years ago Apple stocks surpassed the 50$/share mark. Now one share trades for well over $300. But can Apple live up to the hype and further increase its market cap? We are eager to find out.
Updated Feature: Winners & Losers
On the Depot page you can access the shares that have gained or lost the most in the current week via the winners & losers tab. The window will now display the absolute gains and losses rather than the percentage points. This will drive attention away from penny stocks that often gain many percentage points (+300%), but mot much in absolute terms (from 0.01$ to 0.04$).

Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

Markttrend Poll: Polls indicate a defeat at the upcoming Midterm elections. So we pose the Question will Obama be reelected in two years?

This week our poll focuses on US politics. As defeat at the midterm elections for the Democrats and especially Obama seems inevitable, we shed light on the next presidential election in 2012.

Link to Obama Poll

yes: 54%
no : 46%

Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

What's new on Markttrend prediction markets this week

We will look into the so called “currency war” this week and our poll focuses on US politics.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis many countries struggle to get back on track. After the debt crisis in the Euro-zone and massive doubts about the recovery in the US, the next big threat to global economy is the fear of a currency war. So we think its time to extend our currency prediction portfolio to the Chinese Yuan Renminbi with a new prediction market.
Closed Market: iPad sales prediction
The Apple iPad has literally been flying of the shelf. Our forecast has been 6 Million and more with more than 99% probability for quite a while now. As our prediction range of “6 Million plus” sold units will be reached soon we will close this prediction market on October 17th.

Montag, 11. Oktober 2010

Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

What's new on Markttrend prediction markets this week

A new market focuses on Microsoft’s browser and we give you more data about our prediction markets.
Once there was one browser to rule them all. Nowadays Microsoft is still the dominant force, but seems unable to stop the downward trend of its Internet Explorer browser. We take a look into the future to see what it holds for the IE.
New Feature: market start & end dates
In every market we will now display the start and (if possible) the end date. In the past we often used the newsletter or the news section of our site to announce the finish date of a prediction market. Due to the short timeframe from the announcement to the actual closing users where often caught by surprise. This is why we have decided to display further information about the start and end below the market question in every market.

Montag, 4. Oktober 2010

Neue Markttrend Umfrage zum Umfragehoch der Grünen

Die Hälfte der Umfrageteilnehmer ist der Meinung, die Grünen profitieren vor allem von der Schwäche der anderen Parteien. Die andere Hälfte der Befragten sieht den aktuellen Trend zumindest teilweise in der Parteipolitik begründet.

Umfrage zum Wahltrend der Grünen

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